Wigren – Jakobsson’s family

Enough warm water to serve the whole family

Villa: Wooden one-storey house built in 1979
Living area: 127 m2
City: Tranemo
Household: Array
Type of heat pump: Diplomat Optimum G3
Hit pump was installed: The first heat pump was installed in 1979, and in October 2012 their second heat pump was installed.
Source of heat: ground source - horizontal loop

Family Wigren-Jakobsson at home lorem ipsum dolor sit amet pelentesque tortor

Now there will be enough warm water to serve the whole family

Soaring utility bills and constant problems with lack of hot water were the main reasons why the Wigren-Jakobssons switched to geothermal heating. Access to hot water is an important aspect of daily logistics in any big family. And with the Diplomat Optimum G2 they have obtained the most effective solution available on the market to produce a lot of heat and a lot of hot water. An additional advantage is a dramatic reduction in heating costs.

Previously it was not possible that more than two people took a morning shower in warm water. For heating a boiler you had to wait long hours. What’s even worse, it cost a fortune.

Today the situation has dramatically changed. In spite of growing teenagers with their frequent training, the lack of hot water is nothing but a memory. The family counts on savings of at least 30 000 SEK annually.

To begin with, the family contacted many different sales representa- tives. When they chose Thermia, it took less than three weeks for everything to be installed and ready for use.

All the sales representatives made similar saving calculations but Thermia gave us the best price. Besides, they were the best in ans- wering our questions. After we'd made up our minds, everything went really quickly and smoothly. We always knew when they'd be coming, and they really followed the time schedule. We're extremely happy and we're looking forward to our long relation with our geothermal heat pump.


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Thermia Heat Pumps

Thermia Heat Pumps