Find out how you can read the actual temperatures in the heating and hot water system monitored by the heat pump controller.
Find out how you can read the actual temperatures in the heating and hot water system monitored by the heat pump controller.
Learn how easy it is to change the room temperature value. This enables you to temporarily adjust the indoor temperature to suit your preferences. The room temperature should normally be used as a temporary offset from the normal heat curve that optimizes the use of the heat pump throughout the year.
The heat curve parameter defines how much heat will be produced by the heat pump at different outdoor temperatures to provide a comfortable indoor climate. A well-adjusted heat curve provides an even, comfortable indoor climate and minimizes energy consumption, all year round. Find out how to adjust this curve.
At certain outdoor temperatures, typically between +5 and -5 degrees Celsius, a more optimized indoor climate may be obtained in some houses by fine-tuning the heat curve at certain outdoor temperatures. Find out how to do this.
Even if most households have the heat pump automatically regulated for convenience and safety, it is possible to change between different operating modes. One example is to only produce hot water. This video will show you how.
Under certain circumstances, the heat pump may stop running and an alarm will be shown on the controller display. This is to prevent damage and ensure safe operation. Find out how to reset the alarm. If the alarm cannot be reset or keeps going off, please contact your installer.
Find out how to set the heat stop temperature. When the outdoor temperature reaches a certain level, defined as the heat stop temperature, internal heating will no longer be required and only hot water production will be needed.
The controller allows you to check the operating time of the heat pump. This video will show you how to read the running time for compressor, auxiliary heater and domestic hot water production.
When you are contacting your installer, it may be useful to know how to read the integral value. The integral value is a continuously re-calculated value operating and regulating the heating functions.
If for some reason you need to temporarily operate internal heating and hot water production without having the heat pump compressor activated – for example in the event of an emergency – you can override the standard settings and activate the auxiliary heating mode. Find out how to do this.