We develop and manufacture heat pumps for heating, hot water and cooling for all types of properties, and offer them through carefully selected resellers. Our entire business must meet the requirements of laws and regulations, understand the needs of our customers, and constantly improve and streamline our products and processes.
We have the following measures in place to ensure quality at all stages:
- We are certified in accordance with ISO9001:2024
- We provide a good working environment and continuous skills and knowledge development of our employees
- We develop our products in cross-functional teams with early customer involvement
- We quality assure our components and systems in cooperation with suppliers under real-life use conditions
- We work with the FMEA and perform other risk analyses to identify and resolve risks early
- We work with suppliers to ensure the intergirty of our supply chain
- Through clear instructions, error reduction and final testing of all devices, our manufacturing process strives for zero errors
- We collaborate with certified installers and resellers trained on the hardware and software of our products
- We investigate every single customer complaint from our resellers and start cross-functional investigations for problem solving based on the frequency and seriousness of any reported problems